Frequently Asked Questions - Residents

What are duplicate issues and why am I getting an alert?

If the application detects that the issue you are attempting to report looks similar to one you have reported in the past, it will ask you if you are reporting a duplicate issue. If you are unsure if it is a duplicate issue, ere on the side of caution and press no. To indicate that your issue is not the same as any on the list, click the "X" to dismiss the issue. To indicate that your issue is the same, click the check mark. If dismiss the other issues and indicate that your issue is not the same, then a new issue will be submitted. If you indicate that your issue is the same as one on the list, you will be given follow up questions. Over time, the app will get smarter and you will be asked this question less and less.

How do I cancel an Issue?

If you see that an issue you submitted is resolved or no longer relevant you may wish to cancel the report which will indicate to law enforcement that they no longer need to come. At this point, iPhone users cannot cancel issues. Support for cancelling issues will be made available in release 1.1. Android users may cancel issues. Tap the menu icon in the top left corner of Wots which will open an menu where you can select “My issues”. Then tap the issue you wish to cancel and scroll to the bottom of the issue details screen where you will see a cancel option.

How do I specify the issue location?

There are two ways to properly find your location in the WOTS application when trying to report an issue. You can drag the pin around the map and drop it on the location you are trying to report from or you can tap the “Where is your issue” text box in the center of the home screen. Then you can manually type in the address where you are trying to report an issue. If you are trying to report an issue you saw in a supported location but you are no longer in that location, you may do so! All you have to do is type in the address in the “Where is your issue” bar in the center of the home page, and make sure that the address is in an area supported by Wots.

Should I call 911 or use Wots?

If you have any uncertainty the answer is to call 911. When the issue you are trying to report is life threatening or urgent, we ask that you call 911 immediately rather than using the WOTS application. However, if you open the application, there is a red “911” button in the top right corner of the application and clicking this button will also dial 911. Further, if you select an issue in Wots that local law enforcement believes should go to 911, you will be directed to call 911.

Why am I being asked to validate my phone number again?

If you don't use Wots for a prolonged period of time, we request that you still have access to your phone in order to use Wots. This is to ensure that police are able to contact you if they need more information.

Why do I need location services turned on?

For the security of law enforcement officers, we require that location services be turned on whenever the app is launched and we check again whenever an issue is submitted or cancelled. We don't track your location when you are not using the app.

Who can see what I submit?

Only law enforcement officers can see your issue submission and Wots will not make your submission available to anyone except through court order. Keep in mind local law enforcement may disclose information in accordance with their local, state and federal laws. We however encourage all law enforcement officers to protect the privacy of our Wots for Residents users.

Who can see my rating of an issue?

No one. This information is only used at an anonymous and aggregate level to improve the application and/or help law enforcement improve their operations. For example, we may tell a law enforcement department that overall people are satisfied with how they handle noise complaints, but they are not satisfied with how they handle parking in cross walk complaints.

What do I do if my app is not working correctly?

First of all, make sure internet service and location services are on and active on your phone. Next, make sure you have internet service. On some phones, it may take up to 1 minute for all Wots internet services to fully connect after internet is restored. If you are still having issues, try closing the app and restarting. If none of these work, please email us at and we will help you out.

Why do I get these loud beeps? How do I turn it off?

Fair enough, we are working on that. We wanted to make sure that you knew law enforcement had responded. But we realize the sounds is a bit obtrusive. With the next release the sounds will be more pleasant and less obtrusive and at some point we will give you the ability to configure your alerts.